Often people start talking about smart buildings and smart sensors without realizing that they already have the best sensors in the world. It's the people who are present in your buildings!
Keep them informed about FixForm and have all human sensors report problems within seconds.
Here is a template you can use to send to your visitors, employees or tenants:
Hey Community
Sometimes small problems in a building can cause a lot of frustration, and we're here to help!
A light bulb that needs to be replaced? A faucet that leaks? A toilet that doesn't flush? All annoying situations that everyone wants to see solved as quickly as possible.
Since a few weeks you can find the FixForm stickers in our building. By simply scanning the QR code, you can report any problem with just a snap of a photo.
- Scan the QR code
- Take a picture
- Describe the problem
We understand that sometimes it is relevant to be kept informed about the progress of a problem. Just leave your contact information at the end of the flow and we'll be happy to give you an update.
Together, let's keep our buildings in good, clean and safe condition!
Kind regards,
The FixForm team
You'll also find a flyer here that you can print and hang up.