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How do you manually add Assets to your Fixform environment?

Learn how to create your own assets and asset groups in Fixform

FixForm makes asset management simple. Below, we'll explain how to add assets, create asset groups, and convert locations to assets.

How to add an asset?

  1. Go to Organization.
  1. Click on the building where you want to assign an asset.
  1. In the left menu, click Assets.
  1. Click the Add button in the upper right corner.
  1. Choose Asset from the menu.
  1. In the pop-up window, enter the asset details:
      • General info:
        • Name: Enter the asset name.
        • Unique identifier: Enter a unique ID if applicable.
        • Asset Group: Link to an existing asset group.
      • Location & Type:
        • Location: Select the asset's location.
        • Type: Select the asset category.
      • Warranty & Info:
        • Supplier: List the supplier.
        • Serial Number: Enter a serial number if relevant.
        • Purchase Date: Enter the purchase date if desired.
  1. Click Confirm.

Your new asset has been added! 🎉

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How do you create an asset group?

Asset groups are useful when you have many similar assets. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Organizations.
  1. Click on the building to which you want to assign an asset group.
  1. In the left menu, click Assets.
  1. Click the Add button in the upper right corner .
  1. Choose Asset Group from the menu.
  1. Fill in the details:
      • Group name: Assign a name to the group.
      • Parent group: Optionally, you can place the group under an existing asset group.
  1. Click Confirm.

Your asset group is now ready to use! 🙌

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How do you convert a location to an asset?

Need to change a location into an asset? Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to Organizations.
  1. Click on the building whose location you want to convert.
  1. In the left menu, click Spaces.
  1. Select the space you want to convert to an asset.
  1. Click the three dots in the upper right corner.
  1. Choose Convert to asset.

The location will now be converted and added to your list of assets! 🚀

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Following these steps, you now have all the tools needed to effectively manage your assets and asset groups in FixForm.

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